Adobe Analytics (formerly SiteCatalyst) is an industry-leading Web Analytics tool that forms the reporting mainstay for a large number of high traffic websites each drawing hundreds of thousands of website visitors per month. The clickstream data generated by these visits is typically collected by Adobe in its data centers and can be leveraged using primarily 3 tools-Adobe Report Builder (Excel plug-in), Reporting& Analytics (online GUI based reporting) and the Adobe Data Warehouse (offline data export). All these tools enable basic reporting capabilities that are usually adequate for ad-hoc, activity based reporting but for scenarios that require advanced business intelligence, these methods have limited utility.

In this product introduction whitepaper, we outline how companies can build sophisticated data integrations with the Adobe DataWarehouse API and in order to create reporting databases for advanced BI.

Content brief

A branded product introduction whitepaper that outlines the conceptual architecture for extracting clickstream data from Adobe Analytics using its Datawarehouse API that auto-generates data dumps.

About the Client

UK based Marketing Solutions Consultancy and Adobe Analytics Partner.

Target audience

Web Analytics Specialists, Digital Technology Architects, Database management staff. All these are categories that already know about the  challenges of time to insight delivery for inflight campaigns.

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